Project Details funtion cruceLista()

September 30th 2022

"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os library, the dynamic path for the 'cruce_EPS.txt' and 'BRANCH MP.xlsx' files is generated. The pandas library is then used to read both files. Subsequently, records are filtered into 'BRANCH MP.xlsx' that contain 'YES' in the 'shared users' column and that also have the value 'x' in the 'To assign' column. Pandas' merge function is used to combine the 'df_cruceEps' and 'df_listselec' DataFrames, based on the matching of the values in the 'Filing Branch' column in 'df_cruceEps' and 'Branch' in 'df_listselec'. Only rows that have matches in both tables will be included. The function returns a value of 2 if executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns the error line along with an explanatory message of the error." libray: sys, pandas, datetime, os funtion cruceLista()