1. Excel File: Every month, the team receives an Excel file containing client information. They pr…
MAR 13 2024
NFTS1. Enate Analysis: The project begins with an analysis of the Enate platform, which is used for…
JAN 31 2024
Composition GPS (Automate alterix)"Two text files separated by '|', containing data from COLSANITAS and MEDISANITAS, respectively, ar…
NOV 08 2023
Union.py funtion union()"the same function ded errorCol() is repeated, only now it is executed relative to the MEDISANIAS.t…
OCT 17 2023
Union.py funtion erroresMed()"The paths of the input and output files are defined. 'archivo_original' contains the path of the o…
OCT 16 2023
Union.py funtion erroresCol()"The current date is obtained in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' using the datetime library and the strftim…
OCT 12 2023
traerDato.py funtion traerDato()"The current date is obtained in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' using the datetime library and the strftim…
OCT 05 2023
template.py funtion template()"The current date is obtained in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' using the datetime library and the strftim…
OCT 01 2023
SepararNumeroID.py funtion separar()"A dynamic path is constructed for the archiving of face-to-face medical appointments using the cur…
SEP 28 2023
quitar57.py funtion Quitar57()"The current date is obtained in day-month-year format using the strftime function of the datetime …
SEP 19 2023
pendites_ach_juntas.py funtion asignacion()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
SEP 12 2023
macros2.py funtion filtrosfinales()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
SEP 01 2023
macros2.py funtion asignprocesoDiasJuntas()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
AUG 22 2023
macros2.py funtion asigRegionalesProcessBogota()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
AUG 16 2023
macros2.py funtion filtroBogota()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
AUG 01 2023
macros2.py funtion consolidadoasignacion()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 is set for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file, which will be located in the…
JUL 31 2023
macros2.py funtion filtroBogCO()"The dynamic path ruta_pend4 for the ""Pendientes4.xlsx"" file is defined, which will be located in…
JUL 19 2023
macros2.py funtion Categorizacion()"The dynamic path for the pending file is defined. The slope file ""Pendientes3.xlsx"" is read int…
JUL 05 2023
macros2.py funtion ClasTiem()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". The path of (""P…
JUN 29 2023
macros.py funtion oportunidad()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". A path for the p…
JUN 22 2023
macros.py funtion diasAntiguedad()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os lib…
JUN 06 2023
macros.py funtion macrodias()"Defines the path of the original Excel file and the path where the filtered records will be saved.…
MAY 24 2023
filtro123H.py funtion filtros()1. The process starts by connecting to a Google Sheet using a Python script to download the file an…
APR 17 2023
Bibliographic data"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". The Pandas libra…
JAN 24 2023
duplicados.py funtion filtro(strDateSpecific)"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os lib…
JAN 18 2023
divyvencer.py funtion divyvencer()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". The Pandas libra…
JAN 18 2023
duplicados.py funtion duplicados()1. The process begins by connecting to the client's email, where emails containing various file typ…
JAN 10 2023
Dental plan"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os lib…
DEC 31 2022
CruceReporte.py funtion noReporte()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"" Using the os libr…
DEC 14 2022
CopyPastePlantilla.py funtion copy()"The current date is obtained in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' using the datetime library and the strftim…
DEC 13 2022
tildesComillas.py funtion QuitarCaracteres()1. The process begins with logging into BH, navigating the platform to download the COLSANITAS and …
NOV 30 2022
Glosas Notification"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Through the libr…
SEP 30 2022
CrucePlanoEps.py funtion CrucePlanoEps()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os lib…
SEP 30 2022
CrucePlanoEps.py funtion cruceLista()1. The process integrates into the Pending MP flow, where control flags are added to determine when…
SEP 14 2022
Pendings EPS"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". Using the os lib…
AUG 31 2022
dashboard.py funtion dashboard()1. The process begins with logging into BH, a platform where tasks and reports are managed. 2. Nav…
AUG 17 2022
Pendings MP"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"". By means of the …
JUL 28 2022
CruceCentrosMedicos.py funtion Centros()1. The process begins with logging into the MFT platform, where a daily file is downloaded containi…
JUL 21 2022
Appointment reminder"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"" and the next day's…
JUL 20 2022
clinicaOdonto.py funtion Odontosanitas()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"" and the next day's…
JUL 20 2022
cruceCodigo.py funtion cruceCodigo()"Using the datetime library, I get the current date in the format ""yyyy-mm-dd"" and the next day's…
JUL 19 2022
clinicaOdonto.py funtion clinicaDental()1. The process begins with the generation of the report in the Antide platform, where relevant data…
APR 12 2022
Mail antide1. Access to an online platform (user and password), specifically the BH website. 2. Navigation wi…
MAR 23 2022